CFS is a thing of the past

I was diagnosed with CFS in 2003, after failing to recover from a series of glandular fever type viruses and having suffered several bereavements. After a year and a half off work, I reached a point where I was ‘managing’ it through a quiet lifestyle and balanced diet – I even managed to finish my PhD. However, I always remained sensitive to sporadic relapses.
I learned about the programme from my GP, who had seen several of her CFS/ME patients get well after doing the programme. I did some research on the web, talked with Kate and finally realised that I could be well again. I excitedly booked myself on a course.
As an eager group of four we learnt how the body and mind can become stuck in chronic stress response. This can affect physiology, cognitive function and suppress our body’s functioning. We then learnt how to use specific techniques to reprogramme the brain and body. It was astonishing and an incredible joy to see others in the group starting to get better. By the end of the course I knew that for me, CFS was a thing of the past. I practiced the techniques for some weeks afterwards to reinforce my renewed wellness, and I still continue to use them for various things in my life, such as getting over colds and developing a more positive attitude to winter, which I used to dread.
These days I am working in research, running a life coaching business and enjoying my social life. I strongly recommend the programme to anyone who wants to leave CFS/ME or related illnesses behind, or related illnesses behind
Dr Chloe C-K.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
I was taking pain killers daily

I was a very fit and active person until 1998 when I had a lower back injury. As a result, I couldn’t walk more than 100 yards without going into excruciating spasm. I was bed-ridden a lot of the time, I was anxious and depressed and had constant fatigue. Going on a journey was a nightmare! I was having osteopathy 2-3 times a week and was hanging on for every appointment. I was on the point of being registered disabled and my partner became my carer.
I then had some treatment from my pain consultant which really eased everything and gave me hope. Unfortunately, I was unable to sustain this and I needed nerve denervation more and more frequently. I was still having twice weekly physiotherapy and was taking pain killers daily.
I was then involved in a car accident, sustained a lumber whiplash and this set me back hugely. To be truthful, it felt like the end. Having run out of options, a few months later my consultant suggested I consider doing the programme with Kate. I was initially very sceptical and took my time before doing it – but I did!
The progress I have made since then has been truly amazing. I go climbing regularly and I have my life back! I go to the gym, do weights, swim, walk, and go on holidays. Now my partner and I just have fun and our lives have totally changed.
The thing that tells me most of all that I am so much better is that I don’t even think about my back, in fact I opened a drawer the other day and found packets of pain killers that I had forgotten were there! Now I just get on with my life. I’m just normal and I love it!
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
I have taken control of the MS

I heard about the programme a few years ago and thought that those who had done it to get a new start in their life were very lucky.
After 10 years with MS I was open to anything that could make my life better. When a doctor told me about Kate’s experiences with MS patients there was no doubt. I had to see her as soon as possible.
Now, three months later, my life has totally changed. I have started my studies again, and I’m thinking about going away to study for a year, and I am making plans that I wouldn’t have dared to consider three months ago.
If I’m getting any symptoms or if I’m having any negative thoughts I use the techniques. The MS doesn’t control me anymore.
I have taken control of the MS!
Stian (Norway)
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
I was able to keep going all day!*

When I was 13 I collapsed and had to be taken to hospital. There was no obvious reason and after lots of tests I was discharged with ‘unexplained fatigue’. I managed to improve a little but had to use a wheelchair to get about and even had to be lifted to go upstairs at home.
I had disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, used to have panic attacks and could not socialise as I was so sensitive to light, noise and movement, as well as enduring the fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Apart from appointments, I was very much housebound with little social contact. I was ill for about a year.
After discovering the programme, we flew all the way down from my home near Inverness, which was a huge undertaking, and then Mum drove us a further three hours to get to there. The course began the next day and I started using the techniques that afternoon. I was able to go out afterwards despite doing very much more than I could possibly have done before.
As the days progressed I was able to keep going all day and although tired at times and struggling with some of the symptoms, I had no major relapse and was even able to do things like walk with the dog and go out to Southwold shopping. The improvements are hard work sometimes as I have to keep working at it, but in just a few weeks I can see I am so different, starting to do all the things I did before.
Emma’s mum says…
I just felt that I needed to get in touch to let you know that Emma is just doing so well!
We had a horrendous journey back home as our flight was cancelled!! We spent all afternoon in a queue waiting to get on another flight – we eventually got home two days later!
Emma has had a chilled week – still getting used to being well again!! I finished school on Friday and we met up with friends for a celebratory lunch in Inverness and Emma went off shopping with her friend – just great!! She’s getting so much pleasure from being able to do the “normal” stuff again!
Today, Emma has been round to a friend’s for lunch and has just texted to say she is now down near the beach. She’s pink, vibrant and happy (and sleeping really well too) – I really can’t thank you enough!
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
Julia’s recovery from Long Covid.
My recovery from Fibromyalgia

Before getting ill, I was a young professional woman who had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was married, happy and ready to begin the new venture of motherhood. Four weeks after my labour, I developed a very painful shoulder.
My symptoms cascaded into painful joints. I suffered with excruciating pain in my shoulders, knees, elbows and hips. At its very worst the pain developed in my face and buttocks, and I couldn’t name a part of my body which didn’t hurt. I suffered with a constant burning, aching, tingling pain, struggled with extreme fatigue, and was awake for around two hours a day.
My life took on a whole new narrative, which I found indescribably difficult to cope with. All of my dreams of motherhood had been shattered and I was told I would never work again in a career I loved as primary school teacher, and that I would always need support to care for my baby. I was virtually housebound and my husband was forced to give up work and care for me and our daughter. I cannot use words to exemplify how desperate the whole situation had become.
I had what seemed like hundreds of appointments with my GP, a plethora of tests and an MRI scan which all concluded negative. I remember feeling extremely alone and vulnerable and I even began to loose trust in my own integrity. I felt as if I was walking in treacle and it just got harder each day.
I was referred to a neurologist and a rheumatologist and threemonths later I was diagnosed with severe fibromyalgia by the neurologist who suggested I would need a wheelchair in time, and to apply for disability benefits. I remember believing if I knew what was wrong with me the professionals would be able to fix me. This belief couldn’t have been further from the truth. I was told to pace and live with it and of course take the medication. I tried this course of action and became even further detached from life, due to the strength of the medication and the lack of hope. I didn’t have a life, so how could I pace?
With the support of my husband we began to look at alternative therapies and I had courses of treatments including physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic treatment, nutritional advice, kinesiology, reflexology and acupuncture.
My last hope was a nutritional advisor and physiotherapist who offered a programme for people with Fibromyalgia. She had recovered successfully from FMS and had helped many other people. After 6 months I had made little progress and she suggested the Lightning Process. I spoke to over 20 practitioners and I was extremely cynical about the training. Then I spoke to Kate on several occasions. She was able to answer a whole host of questions with credibility and eloquence and I knew I had found the right person to help me get well again.
I learnt so much on the training programme and I very gradually began to re-build my life. One of my happiest and most treasured memories was when my husband collected me with our daughter. I carried her around the garden, singing and dancing (I had been unable to lift my daughter until this point).
When I got home I took full advantage of the top up coaching and I made steady progress with the support of Kate. It was challenging sometimes, to keep going with the techniques, but gradually I started to take my daughter out for walks, went on a holiday, socialised with friends and joined a choir.
It took a huge amount of perseverance and determination to get well and my journey was a very steady one. At times it did feel like my recovery didn’t come as soon as I had hoped, but then everything just seemed to fall into place.
The most significant element of my recovery was my husband returning to work as I was able to take on the full care of our daughter. The second was that I was able to do a phased return to the job I loved as a primary school teacher in just two months and for the first time in a very long time I felt ‘normal’ again.
I find it difficult to remember how difficult those desperate days were. I lead a fun and fulfilling life and I am so happy and full of energy. My husband has his wife back and my daughter can be proud of her Mum.
I’ve been back at work for a year now and without a day off sick! I am a very well respected teacher and I am able to manage stress in the workplace really effectively now.
So for me, this was definitely my ‘happy ever after’. I will be forever grateful to Kate for the Programme and support I have received, and to my wonderful husband who travelled this journey with me. I am definitely out of the treacle now!
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
Henrietta recovers from an eating disorder

I had been suffering from an eating disorder for six years when I decided to do the programme. I was never anorexic but I was very underweight for my frame and height. When the doctor told me I should put on weight, I did, but then I lost it deliberately again when I was about seventeen; this continual losing and gaining weight carried on until I was twenty-one and as well as being obsessed with what I ate, I became increasingly anxious about so many things, from my University work to what people thought of me. I knew I needed to do something before I started my final year at University; I wanted to use my energy on concentrating on my work, not worrying about having eaten too much for lunch.
I did the programme with Kate in August 2008. There were four other women on the course, all suffering from ME. Although I did not have ME, some of our symptoms like anxiety, fatigue and depression were similar, so it was fine to do it with them; in fact it was great to do it with other people, as we all encouraged each other over the course of the week. After just one day I already felt better: I had much more energy. I learned how to retrain my brain and think in a completely different way. I worked on the pain, worries and the negative thoughts I had about myself, and in doing so, I discovered how to embrace life in a happier and positive way.
A year on and I have just graduated from Edinburgh University with a 2:1 and have been accepted on one of the best patisserie courses in the country at Westminster College in London. I have always loved cooking, especially baking and making puddings, and this is something I really want to do: cook for people and see the happiness on their faces when they eat my food; food is such an important part of life. Without Kate and the welcoming atmosphere at her home, I would have never reached where I am today.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
My husband had never known me well

After pushing myself too hard at work I managed to contract two viruses one after the other that left me with chronic fatigue syndrome. At it’s worst my 86-year-old Grandfather was lapping me around our local country park. The illness dictated my career, my social life and everything revolved around energy levels.
I did the Programme in August 2008. The course with Kate was a dream and my family couldn’t believe that the me they had only glimpsed over the past five years was back. My husband had never known me well and is getting used to a full of beans me and the changes it’s making to how far we can walk or where we can go on holiday now!
With a recent house move I used the skills I learn to remain confident that it would run smoothly and keep focused when challenges arose. For me its all the extra uses I have for them that makes it special. My life is back and so I’m making the most of it. The move has given me the perfect opportunity to look at my career and decide what I would really like to do rather than what my illness would have let me do in the past. I can’t speak highly enough of the programme and how it has helped me change my life.
Cristie M.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
My daughter had very severe M.E
Initially I was very apprehensive. My daughter had been suffering horribly with M.E for 18 months and I had been caring for her full-time.
We both read as much as we could . Clare talked to Kate and was encouraged to talk to others who had attended the programme. In the days leading up to the first session I was both nervous and excited at the same time. I tried to remain positive for Clare’s sake but I was also very afraid of the possibility of failure and the effect that would have.
The sessions were amazing and it did seem as though a miracle was happening. However for Clare it was lots of hard work doing the exercises and techniques, but she kept improving. From a carer’s perspective, the results were wonderful, but did also leave me at a bit of a loss. For a while it was a struggle coming to terms with not living as Clare’s full time carer. For so long that had been my sole focus in life and now everything changed. But I soon realised that the way to support her was to give her space and be an unobtrusive presence, quietly there for her.
Now 10 months on I am happy to say Clare is leading a very full and happy life. Her determination and emotional strength has been an inspiration and certainly helped me put the bad M.E time in the past and look forward to the future and a normal mother/daughter relationship.
Sue, Clare’s mum
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
I have my health, happiness and love

I was a bubbly bright energetic teenager, till the age of 16 when I was hit by a bad dose of Glandular Fever and related Hepatitis A. Following a stay in hospital, I was unable to enjoy life with my friends but left at home too weak and in pain to do simple tasks such as dressing or brushing my hair. I lost over two stone in weight and struggled on a daily basis. Years later I learnt this is where my M.E/CFS originated from. After several months of rest, I returned to college where I could manage classes only. No socialising with friends in the evenings and most days I even had to come home for a nap at lunchtimes.
Fortunately through ’pacing’ techniques and perseverance I was able to go to university where I studied Tourism and travelled across Europe, and worked and studied abroad. Later I did an MA in Human Rights. Whilst I was lucky to be able to do these things, life was still hard at times and every few weeks I was forced into spending a week in bed, exhausted and simply feeling ill with severe flu like symptoms.
Three years ago, my health took a massive drop. I had recently started working as a trainee social worker and living in a new area when I caught mumps followed by a kidney infection. I never seemed to get better. Over the coming months, I was forced to remain in my bed. Some days I had no energy even to clean my teeth and my words slurred when I tried to talk. Living was hard work both mentally and physically. My body ached all over, my mind was in a spin unable to think or feel anything. Why me? What had I done to deserve this?
Initially the doctors diagnosed me as having depression, which was frustrating as I knew this wasn’t the case. Eventually, nearly 11 years after I was first unwell, I was diagnosed at St James Paget hospital in Great Yarmouth as having M.E/CFS. Over the next two years I learnt to adjust to a new way of life, living with my parents again, unable to work and reliant on a wheelchair for trips out. Days consisted of sleeping and the odd TV show! What would I have done without the lovely ladies on Loose Women for company! I felt like a little child again and totally dependent on my family for help and assistance.
Things all changed 3 months ago. I had heard bits and bobs about this new training programme for people with M.E that changes your life and after chatting to people that had done it, I knew it was for me. In the weeks waiting to do the course my excitement grew and grew and was worse than when I was 3, waiting for Santa to come on Christmas Day! Naturally I had a few worries, what was involved, could I do it and would it really make me well?
I did the programme in a small group over three days, which is a full 18 to 20 hours in total! On the course we were taught simple techniques that create new pathways in the brain and hand on heart I can say it’s the best thing I have ever learnt.
The evening of the first day of the course, I went for a walk along the beach and drove my car for the first time in years. By the end of the course I felt like a teenager again. I went in as a caterpillar and emerged as a butterfly ready to experience life. The first few days I was waking up at 5 am and bouncing out of bed, going for walks, swimming and shopping trips with my mum were brilliant.
For the first time in years I was waking up and feeling fantastic.
In the last 3 months that have followed my life has changed dramatically. I have recently moved to Bath to be with my new partner Steve. I am volunteering at the library, reading stories to little children and hope to start work again in the new year. I have even joined a gym, go swimming and to aerobic classes each week. But it is the simple day to day living that I love the most. I can now do the washing, cook dinner, do the housework and go shopping like everyone else. I can wake up and see the sunrise and go to bed after midnight! I can go dancing and drink wine, go for walks in the country, talk to people, read a book and simply be me again! I strongly recommend Kate to anyone who has M.E/CFS, without it I wouldn’t have a future, now all my dreams have come true – I have my health, happiness and love.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
Dave’s story
I first had health issues soon after getting married 30 years ago. Things got worse in stages over a couple of years. I had significant boom and bust problems and at the lows, I had real trouble with getting through the day but somehow managed to keep my job.
Various doctors tried different things but none were willing to diagnose CFS or ME. I spent money on homeopaths and a huge amount on a food allergy clinic, all to no avail. Over a number of years the symptoms subsided and I got on with a successful career and generally happy life. But every few months I had a bad period of dreadful fatigue for which I could find no cause. Following a severe relapse I was unable to work and was formally diagnosed with CFS. After a year of pacing and more ups and downs, I managed a part time return to work for a few months which I couldn’t sustain so I gave up work again. Then my wife was diagnosed with a serious illness and had an operation and the stress of this contributed to a worsening of my condition. At times, I was barely able to get up and on good days could walk 100 or 200 yards, very slowly, once during the day, all this despite frequent rests.
During a visit to the NHS CFS/ME clinic I was handed a leaflet about the programme. I barely read it as it all sounded too good to be true and it reminded me of all the money I had spent on food allergy treatment many years ago. However, a few things happened that caused me to look again and bit by bit things fell into place. I started to recognise the way I was feeling as being linked to anxiety and adrenalin production (although I didn’t feel anxious in my mind). After further researching the programme and speaking to Kate, I decided that their approach was right for me.
I did the ‘full immersion’ three day course in a group. It was with some trepidation that I turned up at Kate’s, having been driven there by my wife. There were five of us on the course with varying levels of severity of symptoms and different lengths of suffering. During the morning Kate took us through the theory, explaining how the body and mind can become stuck in a cycle, each powerfully affecting the other. After lunch we started to learn some techniques. It felt a bit strange, particularly doing it in front of others but the group was also a big help as we were able to support each other and see others doing it thereby reinforcing the learning.
At the end of the first day Kate asked us what we were going to do that evening. I was a bit taken aback by this as I was still unwell and had just had a full day on the course. But once I had thought about it, I realised that we had all got through the day with no rest at all so must be improving. I felt tired but it was a normal tiredness, not the numbing fatigue I had been used to. So I drove home, a journey of over an hour. After a meal I was determined to go for a walk, I didn’t go far, about 400 yards in all but this was much more than I had done for a very long time. When I got back I felt as if I could have done much more. The feeling I had was one of euphoria. I walked at a pace I felt like walking at and returned home because I felt like it, at no time did I feel I had to. It was a very emotional experience, getting home, and I then realised my body had always worked, it was the control mechanisms that hadn’t.
I finished the course on Thursday and went from strength to strength. On Saturday I walked a mile and a half but that was not enough so I dragged my wife to the coast where we walked on the beach in a gale. Then we went out to dinner and had a late night. Sunday I cycled 3 miles and on Monday I walked a mile and a half and cycled 15 miles. Since then I have done several walks of six or seven miles, I’ve dug lots of garden and been out late. I returned to work after a couple of months and am working for eight hours and travelling for two every day, yet still doing gardening and other things in the evening. It’s almost a case of ‘ordinary’ people not being able to keep up with me. Oh yes, and I haven’t had a daytime rest since before the course.
It’s hard to believe now how ill I was just a few months ago, that all seems like a distant bad dream. Thanks to this programme I have my life back.
Update from Dave – received 10 years after embarking on the programme.
Since the end of 2009 I have been working part time for 20 hours a week, the rest of the time I work a 5 acre smallholding doing self-sufficiency, hard work but very rewarding. We grow all our vegetables as well as wheat for bread and chicken feed. We also grow hay and trees for fuel and I do all maintenance on buildings, vehicles and equipment. (Dave is pictured far left).

My wife and I went trekking in India for our 60th birthday (2016) and last year did a walking safari in South Africa for our 40th wedding anniversary. I have also been singing in a rock choir for several years and last year started a rock band for which we are working up to a gig in August.
I feel tired sometimes but that’s old age, hard work and too much of my own cider as well as having three grandchildren. I’ve had no trouble with a relapse since my last consultation with you early 2009.
So, yes I am well and enjoying life very much
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
I rediscovered my old self
I wanted to share my experience so others that are suffering know that there is hope of returning to a normal healthy life.
I was a serving police officer who had to deal with lots of stress and shift work. As a result, I developed bad eating habits and didn’t particularly look after myself. I was also in the process of moving house and getting married. After experiencing flu, sickness episodes and stomach upsets for the umteenth time, my health deteriorated and in 1999 I collapsed with exhaustion.
Several years later, after struggling to keep going, I resigned from the Police as I was unable to carry out normal duties. I had made several visits to my doctor but no one could ascertain what was wrong, I was given anti-depressants and told to get over it!
In 2006, seven years after becoming unwell, I was diagnosed with M.E. Shortly after I started looking at alternative treatment options and came across this programme. I talked with Kate a couple of times and after a lot of debating, decided that I would do the course. I have to say, I remained slightly skeptical, after all I had suffered a debilitating illness for nearly 8 years.
I started using the techniques straight away and initially thought I was going mad because I hadn’t realised how active my mind was. But within a few days I had begun to retrain it and was noticing how much calmer I felt.
Over the next few months the improvements kicked in. I rebuilt my confidence and rediscovered my old self. I enjoyed exercising without any consequences and was able to socialise without worrying about the time.
I started up my own business, worked elsewhere part time, joined groups and even started them! I still use the techniques if I need to, and I take better care of myself as I have no desire to return to the horrible pit of M.E.
My only wish is to share my story with you. Whatever you are suffering from, this programme can help. I am so pleased that I have done the course and the support afterwards has been amazing. Re-entering the big wide world can be scary when you have been ill for so long, but Kate helps you deal with the transition so you can cope with people and life events and continue to recover.
So if you are reading this what are you waiting for, book up a course now, it might just change your life, I know mine did!
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
My MS story

I was diagnosed with relapsing/remitting MS when I was 25. Before that I used to lead a very active life riding horses, competing and earning my living as an international groom. I also used to supply speciality saddles. However, after being diagnosed in 2003 I was unable to do much work as I had too many attacks and relapses – some severe enough to blind me or to keep me on crutches for a year. I only partially recovered after attacks and felt I was battling different symptoms daily with stress and tiredness making them worse. I also had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Before doing the training programme we talked through my goals. I desperately wanted to feel happy, stay well, and enjoy life. I also wanted to get back into horse riding and competing again, and to work again, or retrain. In terms of sports, I wanted to play tennis and hockey and go to the gym. I also wanted to enjoy interests like photography, shopping and the internet. Lastly, I was hoping to start a family.
I went on a three day residential Programme and while I was there, I was able to enjoy a bath (without the usual pain), drink and eat things I had not been able to eat at all like potatoes, baked beans, coffee and toast, without the anxiety or IBS repercussions I had previously suffered. Kate said that I looked very much better in 24 hours, with pinker cheeks, sparkly eyes and I was told by others on the course that I looked very happy, energised and smiled a lot.
It’s true I was happy. I felt able to do so much more than usual. For instance after a full day of training I went out for a drive, enjoyed the pier at Southwold in Suffolk, came back, made myself a meal and socialised with others on the course. I also had a massage, enjoyed catching up with a friend who came to visit and went to bed much later than usual, all without the usual anxiety. I decided to stop taking the Amtriptyline I had been taking for 6 years because I felt so well. (NOTE: We always advise stopping any drugs only with the advice from a doctor as some may need to be reduced gradually). After a good nights sleep I was able to get up promptly and do another whole day of the training course. For the first time in seven years I slept well and even when I woke briefly, I did not feel the usual anxiety and was able to drift off again easily.
One week after the course I was able to get up at 6am one morning to go to the supermarket. I found I was generally doing lots more than I had been able to do before and I was noticing no MS symptoms at all. Seven months after the programme I raised money for ‘Sport Relief’ by doing a run! I find that incredible as a short time ago I was unable to run anywhere. I now have a part time job and hope to start a family soon!
Jo Smith
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
I rarely have pain anymore
In March 2003 I was involved in a car accident resulting in severe pain and shock. Worst effected were my neck, ribs and lower back. My symptoms worsened over the next two years. I struggled with balance problems, anxiety/confusion and terrible brain fog, IBS, insomnia, tinnitus, muscle pains, vertigo, temperature control problems and sensitivities to light, noise, chemicals and some foods. I was unable to drive much, could hardly walk and found it difficult to take part in my family’s life. I lost confidence too as many days I could hardly move and just sat all day, too ill and exhausted to do anything mentally or physically.
I sought help from numerous consultants and complimentary health practitioners and was diagnosed with many different things. I had a slipped disc, as well as whiplash, fibromyalgia, ME, depression, Lymes disease and PTSD as diagnoses too.
About two years after the accident I was admitted to hospital to have an emergency op for partial removal of the slipped disc. I also had some success using EMDR to help the PTSD symptoms, but I was still in a lot of pain, and plagued by the other symptoms, and had lost my life completely.
I heard from a friend that the programme had helped someone we knew who was very severely ill, so I decided to try it myself. Kate was the 40th person I sought help from, and so I was not at all convinced it would work!
I did the course in the summer of 2008. I doubted that I would be able to tolerate it – I was in too much pain and much too tired. But somehow I did, and on the first evening I even went for a big walk – something I hadn’t achieved for a long time. My self confidence was cripplingly low and the thought of doing the course in a group was horrendous, but somehow Kate coaxed me through it. On the third day I went to see Mamma Mia – I couldn’t even remember when I last went to the cinema.
Things changed dramatically. An unexpected side effect was that I found I was “happy” but initially the greatest change was the control of my pain, which reduced by about 90% in the first few weeks. (It has now almost completely gone – I have very few episodes of pain – and I can quickly control them). I started living life again and taking part in things with my family and friends who I had been isolated from for so long.
I have been very busy and active since doing the programme, and have benefitted greatly from the excellent aftercare – something I was not expecting. Kate has been a wonderful support.
It is taking time to rebuild my life again. My children have grown up and the world has changed, and I also had a huge stress with a long-running court case (because of the car crash) that made it harder to move on. But now that is over I am almost back to ‘normal’. I have had to start from scratch really, as I lost many friends as well as my health, and I am now making new decisions about who I am and what I want to do. I have a wonderful new challenge to get my new business up and running and am really enjoying getting my independence back again.
I was thrilled that there was no “counselling” approach. I have had so much therapy in the previous 5 years I am practically an American! I still have improvements I want to make to my energy and confidence, but I rarely have any pain anymore and the other symptoms are in the past. I have a tool for life, and that is an empowering feeling!”
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
No pain!

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year at age 41 after seven years of wondering what on earth was wrong with me.
I have arthritis in my lower back which, for a long time, confused the issue. Whenever I saw my Rheumatologist I told him also of my fatigue and pain in my hands and feet. I didn’t tell him about the sleeplessness or sensitivity to light and noise, and lack of concentration as I thought they were “just me” as I had had them for so long. After many x-rays, MRI scans, blood tests etc, I was told that I had Fibromyalgia and when I was shown the list of symptoms I was staggered because I had almost everything on the list. At last! A diagnosis!
This finally explained why I could not function like other people. I could only manage to work part-time at first but when the symptoms got worse, I had to give up work completely. I was constantly fatigued and felt like I had a hangover every day. I could not concentrate for long and my memory was dull. I started to get unexplained pain in my feet and knees. My fingers would swell up. I have spent most of the last seven years lying down – and didn’t have the energy to care.
Shortly after my diagnosis, my sister, an Alexander Technique teacher, told me of one her clients who had been to see Kate and had recovered. I did some research and then immediately signed up to the next course. Wow! What a turnaround. It’s amazing that this very simple technique cleared away my head fuzziness, fatigue, and pain instantly, and gave me a completely new lease of life!
It’s almost starting to become a cliche on the website but my husband “got his wife back”. He says I am like a different person – the old me but more patient! I am galvanised and have energy and have had NO pain in my hands, feet and knees. I use the techniques to work on the arthritis in my back and this helps immensely. I just don’t worry about it anymore. My head is clear and my memory is better. At first I used the skills a lot but now I use them only when I need to – mainly in times of stress. I have used it for other things too, especially when I feel overwhelmed by certain situations. And it works – every time.
Now be warned, if you go on the programme you have to be prepared for a complete change of life! You start to think about doing things you never could before. It started with little things like being able to meet friends for a coffee or going shopping (but be careful not to overdo it when you feel so great unless you have the bank balance to withstand the new you!). We had a big Christmas party at our house for all our friends which is something I have always dreamed about. Now we have our house on the market and are looking to move. That is something I simply could not have even contemplated before. I am looking for a new job and am filled with excitement at the endless possibilities that are open to me now. But it’s not just me – my whole family has benefitted from me being well.
I just wish that everyone who suffers with fibromyalgia gets to hear about this.
Sally S. 2010
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
20 years of ME
I attended the programme in November 2006 and immediately began my healing journey after 20 years of M.E symptoms. Along the way, Kate has given me a very supportive helping hand – she was at the end of the phone whenever I felt the need for further guidance, patiently enabling me to gain greater understanding of how to use this wonderful technique in my everyday life. Infinitely kind, and with a very deep understanding, Kate explained in a simple, straightforward way, the finer details, which enhanced my ability to practice the skills with great success.”
Carolyn, Sept 2007.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
Bedbound with ME
From being bed bound to now living a healthy and full life. Kate has been an inspiring guide and amazing support throughout and has helped me realise my full potential. Kate has a very kind, friendly, caring and calm nature and her approach is thoughtful and intuitive. I really can’t thank her enough and would recommended her to anyone.
Helen P.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here
I had finally succeeded in being ‘normal’!!

I used to love travel and was a very active, sporty person, but in my first year at university I got a virus and then was diagnosed with ME, and could no longer play sport or travel, and what I could do was limited enormously. I managed to finish university and got a job. I could not work full time but I thought I was managing. Then a year ago things just got worse and worse. I had to reduce my hours and I was still exhausted all the time. That was when I finally realised I was not coping, I had difficulty with symptoms everyday which included pain in my neck and shoulders, tension headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, brain fog, sore throats and laryngitis, upset stomachs, blurry vision, acute pain in my face, and I was just exhausted all the time.
When I learnt the skills I had a massive improvement, but then got flu soon after unfortunately! When I realised I could use the techniques then too, I went up another level and something really clicked in me…up to that point I’d been using the techniques and it was helping me do so much more, and have more energy, but I was still feeling fatigued.
Then the weekend after the flu, I was really busy – it wasn’t planned, just one of those weekends when everything seems to happen at once…and then in work on the Monday, I was running down the four flights of stairs after work, when it suddenly dawned on me (and I have a very clear memory of that moment!) that despite the hectic weekend, I’d just done an entire day in the office when I hadn’t even thought about the symptoms and I realised that I had finally succeeded in being “normal”!! That was really a turning point, and I haven’t looked back since.
So thank you again! Life is good, I am certainly not the same person that I was one year ago – my diary looks very very different! I know what a difference I have made, and I really want everyone else who struggles, to know they can get well too.
Jean S.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
MS, what MS?
Having read about Kate’s work in our local newspaper and how it had helped people get well from ME, I just had to find out more about it. I telephoned Kate whom I bonded with immediately. She spent as long as was necessary on the telephone to ensure I was ready to undertake the training programme.
I was so excited at the opportunity to get my normal life back, it sounded unbelievable but somehow after talking to Kate and others that had undertaken the training, I was convinced I could be well again.
I live nearby, so I attended the intense three day course. On day 1, I was a little nervous but so excited and keen to get going. I was totally committed to making this work and put everything into it. By the end of the first day, I had done things I had not done for years.
On day 2, I could not wait to get there and continue the work. That evening, I was determined to put in to practice what I had learnt, so my husband and I went for a walk. I was able to walk and stand, unaided for about 30 minutes.
On day 3, I had learnt how to clear the tiredness and felt fantastic, normal again. I found myself rushing around in the kitchen helping out just the way I always did before I was ill.
Having attended the programme in July 2008, I have been continually improving. Even my close friends do not recognise me and are amazed by my current capabilities. I have now walked 5 holes of our golf course, something I would not have even have considered I was capable of before attending the programme.
I can only see me going from strength to strength as I continue to practice the techniques. I received the usual MS (multiple sclerosis) advice of do what you can, rest when you are tired and generally pace yourself through the day. I now know from my experience that life can be normal and not lived under these restrictions which is totally wonderful!
A big thank you to Kate from Sue
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
Support and Inspiration
Kate has been a valuable source of support and inspiration whilst I’ve been going through the process of getting my life back on track – to talk to somebody who’s been through similar things and got to the other side is a big help. Kate has a very calm and reassuring way about her, she’s patient and understanding, full of encouragement and great advice and I’d have no hesitation in recommending her. She’s great!”
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
I jumped back into life

Before I started the course I had suffered with CFS for nearly three years and experienced many different symptoms. The illness affected my life in many ways. It stopped me from going to school, left me with a non-existent social life, caused me physical, emotional and mental pain – it basically put my life on hold for three years.
A week later my mum and I went to meet Kate; we talked for what seemed like ages. Kate explained to us what would happen in the three days and that my mum could sit in with me as I was under eighteen. There and then I decided to do the training course a week later, to me there was no other option; it had to work.
A week later and everything had changed; the experience is hard to explain. It was like a light could be seen in this tiny black room I had lived in for the last three years and I could see my way out. Finally I started to feel the best I had in ages, I had a few problems with getting rid of one symptom and then having a new one but I battled through.
I was lucky to be with a wonderful group of people taking part in the training and we all helped each other through. We drew strength from one another and could identify with each others problems. It was quite funny really that on the second day we all had stomach aches. From what we worked out, it was our digestion systems working properly for the first time in ages. It was nice to know we were all going through similar things after so many years of feeling so different.
After the training I just jumped straight back into life and haven’t stopped since. I’ve just got back from three weeks in Cyprus which were amazing, I finally felt like a normal seventeen year old girl.
I am currently deciding what I am going to do in September about colleges and sixth forms and also working towards getting my driving licence. I am determined not to waste one more minute of life.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kate and to tell you if you’re reading this trying to work out if you should go for it. All I can tell you is that it worked for me and that miracles really can happen.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.
Glandular fever and CFS

I had glandular fever in 1993 and quickly learnt to manage my energy levels. I suffered from occupational stress in 2007 and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in early 2008. As a result I had become increasingly less effective at home and work. Looking back I was just about surviving life rather than living it. Although during 2008 I built up to playing squash occasionally or go walking, I wasn’t able to live the life I wanted to and invariably ended up doing only 1 thing I loved at the weekends to allow me to work full time.
In late August 2008, I saw a newspaper article and thought ‘Wow, I’ve got to try this!’ I studied the internet and noticed it was based around NLP. I was really encouraged by this fact as I had first hand experience that ‘this stuff works’.
I attended the course in November 2008 and I’ve not looked back since. I’ve been full of energy since day 1; tackling all sorts of jobs in the house that I’ve not been able to face doing for years. I had this immediate urge to tidy anything that I noticed was laying around! I play squash, go to the gym and walk whenever I want to. I’m now reading books and playing the piano again. The ‘Life I love’ continues to improve month on month. My work colleagues and family have noticed a big difference too.
Anita W.
Read more about The BodyMind Programme here.